Silicon Labs inviterer til digital bedriftspresentasjon

Trenger du et lite avbrekk fra eksamenslesing og hjemmestudier? Har du lyst til å gruse Omegaister og vinne gjeve priser? Vil du ha mer info om en potensiell sommerjobb?


Welcome to this year’s digital company presentation with Silicon Labs! Come “visit” us in our home offices and learn how the Oslo site is playing its part in making Silicon Labs the leading provider of silicon, software and solutions for a smarter, more connected world. You will meet people who have experience both as engineers and as interns in the company, and see how life as a Silicon Labs employee can be. Opportunitities to win exciting prizes!


Silicon Labs hire the most innovative talent to solve the industry’s toughest problems. Our software and mixed signal engineering teams create solutions for customers in diverse markets including the Internet of Things, (IoT), internet infrastructure, TV tuners, as well as automotive and consumer radios, and our solutions can be found in products from market leaders within home automation, electric vehicles, green technology, smart TVs and home voice control automation.


Our University Program cultivates our philosophy by welcoming those who demonstrate strong technical skills, creativity and the potential to do great things. As an intern at Silicon Labs, you will be solving real problems and have the opportunity to learn and network with superstar mentors who have a vested interest in your success. Along the way, we also find time for social events and additional fun! Join our presentation to learn more about our internship positions within chip design, software and security for the summer of 2021.


Zoomlink til bedpres. Påmelding er ikke bindende, men for å gi bedriften et estimat på hvor mange som kommer for å se ann mulighet til mingling i "breakout rooms". Meld deg derfor på om det er mer enn 70 % sannsynlighet at du kommer ;)


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