Det inviteres til bedpres med SLB!

Plan for arrangementet:

  • 1600-1615: Oppmøte i R9
  • 1615-1700: Presentasjon
  • 1700-1730: Gå til hovedbygningen og buss til Graffi Grill Midtbyen
  • 1730- : Burger & Fries + mingling

NB! Svar på denne formsen med ønsket burger og eventuelle allergier, innen søndag 15. september. Skulle ingen burger være valgt, vil det bli bestilt en cheeseburger. 

Informasjon om SLB:

“With almost 100.000 employees globally, SLB are split within many segments and divisions. SLB Norway Technology Center are the part of SLB that represents the Digital Technology. We design, develop, and deliver technology and services that changes how work is done across the energy lifecycle. From hydrocarbons to offshore wind farms and from big data to big engineering. We are 12 software centers across the globe that develop cutting edge software for the energy industry. Digital Technology is responsible for enterprise architecture and infrastructure development for cloud, data, IIoT, UX and cybersecurity across the industry. 

Please join us for a presentation of what our Technology Center does in Norway and our opportunities in terms of career. We recruit graduates, internships and master thesis collaborations for our offices in Oslo, Stavanger and Bergen and the educational backgrounds we are looking for is within mathematics, physics, natural sciences and technology, information technology and computer science. If you are interested in technology and innovation and a global career, then SLB is the place for you. We offer our employees continues opportunities to advance throughout their careers, through our graduate fixed step program, and later through our technical career progression program. We invest highly in talents and development and we hope to see you!”


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