
Simula inviterer på bedriftspresentasjon, etterfulgt av pizzabuffét på Kjelhuset!

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About Simula

Simula is a publicly owned research laboratory whose mission is to solve important and fundamental problems of science and engineering, with the main goal of benefiting and advancing society. Simula conducts basic and long-term research in select research areas of ICT including scientific computing, communication systems, software engineering, cryptography, and machine learning.

Relevant disciplines: mathematics, physics, informatics and data science


Opportunities in Simula

Simula Summer School in Computational Physiology (SSCP)

This summer school targets master’s students and early stage PhD candidates, providing the opportunity to perform cutting edge research with the world’s leading researchers in their fields. SSCP takes place for 2 weeks of theoretical instruction at Simula Research Laboratory in Oslo, Norway, and 1,5 weeks of practical work at the University of California, San Diego, USA. Travel grants available.

Master’s projects

At Simula, we offer the opportunity to become involved in cutting-edge research and to write your master’s thesis in an excellent research environment. You will be working on relevant topics under the supervision of Simula’s researchers, and get an introduction to the craft of research as well as experience how research is done at Simula. Check out our selection of pre-defined master’s thesis projects or reach out to our researchers to suggest a possible collaboration project.


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