Analyst - insurance telematics, Telemotix

Want to disrupt an entire industry? Look no further.

Telemotix are turning raw driving data from cars into parameters for assessing risk of accidents. This is a radical improvement from traditional methods and is the biggest technological innovation going on in insurance today.

Why do we need you? Developing this kind of "pay-how-you-drive" solution is a demanding task which requires lots of number crunching and development of algorithms. We need people who can dig into our huge datasets and find the markers that identify risky drivers.

We offer:?

  • A great opportunity to influence the development of highly innovative services
  • A highly competent and experienced team
  • A dynamic work space at our offices in the Telenor building on Tyholt
  • Flexible work hours
  • Competitive salary
  • A possible permanent job

Application. Send us a short application and resumé by November 26th, or contact us for more information.

Contact Emil Johan Oliver Tlf.: 908 77 422

Read more about our insurance telematics development:

  1. Bergens Tidende, "Billigere forsikring med svart boks i bilen"
  2. Dagens Næringsliv, "En av to nordmenn positive til svart boks"
  3. Dagens Næringsliv, "Jubler for svart boks: - Kjempetiltak!"


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