How to become famous: Winners and sinners in physics

Fredag 1. desember arrangerer Educom foredrag med Justin Wells! Justin er førsteamanuensis ved Institutt for Fysikk, og har holdt foredrag for Nabla tidligere, med stor suksess. Ta med deg lunsjen til S5 og slapp av med et kjempeinteressant foredrag!

How to become famous? Or how to become infamous? Who were the big winners and the biggest sinners from the last century? We will take a brief look at a few examples from history: who won the Nobel Prize? And more importantly: who didn’t? Who did we overlook and why? Are we getting better at giving credit to the right people? We’ll also investigate errors: both big ones and small ones and the role they can play in making you famous… I’ll also try to help you not fall over on the way home.

Foredraget varer i omkring 45 minutter.


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