[Utløpt] Virtual Nordic GAMMATHON

Are you passionate about advanced analytics and ready for a hackathon? We at BCG GAMMA are hosting our annual Nordic GAMMATHON competition, this year virtually!

[Utløpt] Strategy Workshop for Engineers, October 26-27, 2019 near Paris

Combine perfection with production. Leverage your expertise to analyze the production system of a premium carmaker. With an expanded product portfolio and new materials and technologies, there is an ever-increasing need for more flexible and efficient processes.

[Utløpt] Fast stilling som Associate 2020

Vi søker ambisiøse og motiverte medarbeidere med sterke analytiske egenskaper, gode kommunikasjonsevner og ønske om å jobbe i team for å skape endringer. Søknader vurderes løpende.

[Utløpt] Internship 2020

Vi søker ambisiøse og motiverte studenter, med sterke analytiske egenskaper og et ønske om å utforske konsulentrollen. Søknader vurderes løpende.

[Utløpt] BCG Oslo Gammathon

Are you pursuing bachelor, master, PhD or do you have any other experience in a field linked to computer science, applied mathematics, statistics, machine learning, or related data-centric areas and are interested in a career in consulting?

[Utløpt] BCG inviterer til studentseminar i Barcelona

Bli med BCG på studentseminar i Barcelona 23. – 25. august 2019!

[Utløpt] BCG Consulting Boot Camp

Er du nysgjerrig på hva management consulting er? Vi søker motiverte og ambisiøse førsteårsstudenter med variert bakgrunn til å jobbe hos oss en uke under BCG Consulting Boot Camp 17.–21. juni 2019.

[Utløpt] Aspire, Women's Workshop 02. – 04. may 2019

At BCG Aspire, you will discover your own path to success and be part of an exciting, diverse, and multinational group of more than 120 top university students and BCG consultants. Join us in Barcelona and start building the foundation of your future at our BCG Women’s Workshop.