[Utløpt] UHasselt, Belgium, is looking for a PhD student

The Ph.d. program involves working on efficient numerical solver for the Cahn-Hilliard/Navier-Stokes system. The present work is on the development of efficient numerical algorithms for the simulation of two-phase flows. The research will be carried out in the Computational Mathematics (CMAT) group at UHasselt, in very close collaboration with SimTech at the University of Stuttgart.

[Utløpt] PhD student Computational fluid dynamics in Ecotrons

The present work is on mathematical models and their numerical implementation related to flow from soil to the atmosphere and vice versa, thereby passing a layer of vegetation.

Vis utløpte:

Se stillingsannonser relevant for 1. klasse, 2. klasse, 3. klasse, 4. klasse, 5. klasse, industriell matematikk, teknisk fysikk, biofysikk

Se stillingsannonser tagget med admimistrasjon, alumniundersøkelse, alumniundersøkelse, analyse, artificial intelligence, bank, bergen, cern, co2-fangst, control systems, data scientist, deltid, devops, fast stilling, fluidmekanikk, forskning, graduate, internship, intervju, konsulent, konsulent, ledelse, machine learning, måleteknikk, maritim, masteroppgave, mathematics, microsoft azure services, nanoteknologi, oslo, økonomi, partikkelakseleratorfysikk, phd, produktanalyse, programmering, programvareutvikling, python, renewable power, sommerjobb, statistics, stipend, uio, utvikling, webutvikling

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Studentforskning i fysikk og matematikk
