About the position: Position as PhD Research Fellow in Materials Science available at Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology (SMN), Department of Physics, University of Oslo. The fellowship period is 3 years. A fourth year may be considered with a workload of 25 % that may consist of teaching, supervision duties, and/or research assistance. This is dependent upon the qualification of the applicant and the current needs of the department.
Sammen med Sparebank 1 Helgeland og Rana Utvikling ønsker vi i Mosjøen og omegn næringsselskap å invitere studenter i Trondheim til en eksklusiv rekrutteringslunsj med noen av de mest spennende arbeidsgiverne fra Helgeland!
Are you motivated to take a step towards a doctorate and open up exciting career opportunities? As a PhD Candidate with us, you will work to achieve your doctorate, and at the same time gain valuable experience that qualifies you for a further career in higher education and research, in and outside academia.
Are you ready to kickstart your career and unlock your full potential? If you’re a passionate and motivated graduate eager to learn and grow, we have the perfect opportunity for you.
Er du glad i matematikk? Vi søker strukturerte studenter til å skrive kompendium i matematikk 1-4. Om oppdraget: Som forfatter vil du bidra til å lage et pedagogisk og lettfattelig læremiddel som dekker sentrale emner innen matematikk-fagene. En fantastisk mulighet til å få betalt for å lære deg et fag du uansett må ha, eller en fagretning du interesserer deg i.
The Department of Electric Energy at NTNU has a vacancy for a full-time 100% position (3 years) as a PhD candidate within high voltage technology – Ageing Models and Reliability of Extruded HVDC Cables for Offshore Power. The prospective candidate will be part of the research group High Voltage Technology (HVT).
The Department of Electric Energy (IEL) at NTNU has a vacancy for a full-time 100 % position (3 years) as a PhD candidate in “Energy hubs with multi-port advanced power converters & control for hybrid microgrids”. The position is associated with the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), Doctoral Networks project “IDEAL4GREEN”. The prospective candidate will be part of the research group Electricity Markets and Energy System Planning (EMESP) at IEL. In this position, you will be employed at NTNU, and you will spend 18 months at IEL at NTNU, and 18 months will be spent at the industry partner Pixii.
Kunne du tenke deg en spennende, relevant, og lærerik deltidsjobb? Liker du å hjelpe andre? Orakeltjenesten er på jakt etter nye medarbeidere!
Se stillingsannonser relevant for 1. klasse, 2. klasse, 3. klasse, 4. klasse, 5. klasse, industriell matematikk, teknisk fysikk, biofysikk
Se stillingsannonser tagget med admimistrasjon, alumniundersøkelse, alumniundersøkelse, analyse, artificial intelligence, bank, bergen, cern, co2-fangst, control systems, data scientist, deltid, devops, fast stilling, fluidmekanikk, forskning, graduate, internship, intervju, konsulent, konsulent, kvantitativ finans, ledelse, machine learning, måleteknikk, maritim, masteroppgave, mathematics, microsoft azure services, nanoteknologi, oslo, økonomi, partikkelakseleratorfysikk, phd, produktanalyse, programmering, programvareutvikling, python, renewable power, sommerjobb, statistics, stipend, uio, utvikling, webutvikling
Ønsker bedriften din å legge ut en stillingsannonse på denne siden, ta kontakt med Bedriftskontakten Nabla på bedkom@nabla.no. Les mer om bedriftskontakten her.