[Utløpt] PhD position in applied mathematics - porous media (Work Package 4)

The Department of Mathematics has a vacancy for a research fellow (PhD position) in applied mathematics – porous media for a period of 3 years, starting on 1 August 2017.

[Utløpt] PhD position in applied mathematics - porous media (Work Package 1)

The Department of Mathematics has a vacancy for a research fellow (PhD position) in applied mathematics – porous media for a period of 3 years, starting on 1 August 2017

[Utløpt] Stipendiat i anvend matematikk

Ved Matematisk institutt er det ledig ei stilling som stipendiat i anvend matematikk frå 1. september 2017. Stillinga er for ein åremålsperiode på 3 år, knytt til NFR prosjektet “Flow Based Interpretation of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Imaging”.