[Utløpt] Mentoring Programme, 1.-3. klasse

At QVARTZ, we want to make others shine – whether it is in management consulting or elsewhere. We want to offer promising students a brain to pick, an ear to listen and a push in the right direction to help you make well-informed decisions regarding which career goals to pursue and how to achieve them.

[Utløpt] Internship

Would you like to work in the intersection between classic problem solving, innovative thinking and co-creation with intriguing clients? As an intern with QVARTZ, we offer you the full-blown management consulting experience where you will gain new personal and professional skills in our internal training program, solve complex problems together your project team and the client, and much more.

[Utløpt] Fulltid Management Consultant

At QVARTZ, we work closely together with clients around the globe, solving complex problems and delivering lasting impact while developing strong relationships. As a full-time consultant with us, you will join a growing civilization of some of the brightest and kindest minds in the industry who are passionate about move things forward.

[Utløpt] Strategy Workshop for Engineers, October 26-27, 2019 near Paris

Combine perfection with production. Leverage your expertise to analyze the production system of a premium carmaker. With an expanded product portfolio and new materials and technologies, there is an ever-increasing need for more flexible and efficient processes.

[Utløpt] Fast stilling som Associate 2020

Vi søker ambisiøse og motiverte medarbeidere med sterke analytiske egenskaper, gode kommunikasjonsevner og ønske om å jobbe i team for å skape endringer. Søknader vurderes løpende.

[Utløpt] Internship 2020

Vi søker ambisiøse og motiverte studenter, med sterke analytiske egenskaper og et ønske om å utforske konsulentrollen. Søknader vurderes løpende.

[Utløpt] Infiniwell.ai is hiring i Trondheim

Infiniwell.ai is a startup company headquartered in Trondheim that lives in the intersection between Artificial Intelligence, Medical Technology and Networking. We are looking to hire our first few engineers to help us build our AI R&D group. If the thought of joining an artificial intelligence startup at the very earliest stage appeals to you, then let’s talk!

[Utløpt] Speedintervju for sommerjobb med Visma under itDAGENE 2019

Er du student og nysgjerrig på IT-bransjen? Bli med i Visma-familien for en sommer og prøv deg som konsulent i Visma Consulting!

Vis utløpte:

Se stillingsannonser relevant for 1. klasse, 2. klasse, 3. klasse, 4. klasse, 5. klasse, industriell matematikk, teknisk fysikk, biofysikk

Se stillingsannonser tagget med admimistrasjon, alumniundersøkelse, alumniundersøkelse, analyse, artificial intelligence, bank, bergen, cern, co2-fangst, control systems, data scientist, deltid, devops, fast stilling, fluidmekanikk, forskning, graduate, internship, intervju, konsulent, konsulent, ledelse, machine learning, måleteknikk, maritim, masteroppgave, mathematics, microsoft azure services, nanoteknologi, oslo, økonomi, partikkelakseleratorfysikk, phd, produktanalyse, programmering, programvareutvikling, python, renewable power, sommerjobb, statistics, stipend, uio, utvikling, webutvikling

Vil du ha stillingsannonsen din her?

Ønsker bedriften din å legge ut en stillingsannonse på denne siden, ta kontakt med Bedriftskontakten Nabla på bedkom@nabla.no. Les mer om bedriftskontakten her.

Studentforskning i fysikk og matematikk
