[Utløpt] Summer Internship 2019 - Operation & Maintenance

We’re Equinor, an international energy company with a proud history. Formerly Statoil, we are 20,000 committed colleagues developing oil, gas, wind and solar energy in more than 30 countries worldwide.

[Utløpt] Summer Internship 2019 - Marketing & Supply

We’re Equinor, an international energy company with a proud history. Formerly Statoil, we are 20,000 committed colleagues developing oil, gas, wind and solar energy in more than 30 countries worldwide.

[Utløpt] Summer Internship 2019 - Project Development

We’re Equinor, an international energy company with a proud history. Formerly Statoil, we are 20,000 committed colleagues developing oil, gas, wind and solar energy in more than 30 countries worldwide.

[Utløpt] Sommerjobb hos Aker BP

Aker BP ASA søker sommerstudenter for 6-8 ukers engasjement i perioden juni-august 2019. Sommerjobbene (2) er innen forretningsområdet Exploration, og vil ha arbeidssted Trondheim eller Oslo. Hovedfokus for rollene blir arbeid innen software robotics/programmering og automatisering/digitalisering.

[Utløpt] Forskningsassistent i prosjekt "Autonome team: A-team"

Vi ser etter en student som sammen med oss skal jobbe innenfor informatikk eller nærliggende fagområder som teknologi, innovasjon, organisasjon og ledelse.

[Utløpt] Graduate Engineer, Controls & Automation, Kongsberg

In Controls & Automation we execute R&D and management of products, systems and services for the Subsea Control and Workover Systems which enables safe and efficient operation of the Subsea Oil and Gas Production and Intervention Systems. The Control and Workovers Systems provide functionality for monitoring and optimization of production of oil and gas. We also execute the Subsea Control and Workover System project deliveries including design, engineering, fabrication and system integration of C&A product portfolio SCU(Subsea Control Unit), SPCU(Subsea Power and Communication Unit), HPU(Hydraulic Power Unit), SCM(Subsea Control Module), SEM(Subsea Electronic Module), MPFM(Multiphase Flow Meter), Instruments(wide range of instruments on XT and manifold), e-actuators, electrical distribution, hydraulic distribution, power system, communication system and SW system) Will you share our vision as our new: Graduate Engineer?

[Utløpt] Graduate Engineer Controls & Automation, Stavanger

In Controls & Automation we execute R&D and management of products, systems and services for the Subsea Control and Workover Systems which enables safe and efficient operation of the Subsea Oil and Gas Production and Intervention Systems. The Control and Workovers Systems provide functionality for monitoring and optimization of production of oil and gas. We also execute the Subsea Control and Workover System project deliveries including design, engineering, fabrication and system integration of C&A product portfolio SCU(Subsea Control Unit), SPCU(Subsea Power and Communication Unit), HPU(Hydraulic Power Unit), SCM(Subsea Control Module), SEM(Subsea Electronic Module), MPFM(Multiphase Flow Meter), Instruments(wide range of instruments on XT and manifold), e-actuators, electrical distribution, hydraulic distribution, power system, communication system and SW system) Will you share our vision as our new: Graduate Engineer?

[Utløpt] Graduate Engineer, WCM

Well Control and Manifold (WCM) equipment is core to all subsea production systems. It ensures safe drilling into the well, the well fluids are contained and the flow rate controlled at all time, enabling safe distribution of the hydrocarbons into pipelines for transport to the production facility. In WCM we develop, qualify, engineer and deliver cost efficient configurable solutions. Our product portfolio consists of Workover-, Subsea Tree-, Manifold- and Interconnection Systems and tooling. Exposure to R&D, Product improvements, Subsea Service operational support and Subsea Projects execution enable our engineers to develop skillsets and networks within multiple business segments of the oil and gas industry. Will you share our vision as our new: Graduate Engineer?

Vis utløpte:

Se stillingsannonser relevant for 1. klasse, 2. klasse, 3. klasse, 4. klasse, 5. klasse, industriell matematikk, teknisk fysikk, biofysikk

Se stillingsannonser tagget med admimistrasjon, alumniundersøkelse, alumniundersøkelse, analyse, artificial intelligence, bank, bergen, cern, co2-fangst, control systems, data scientist, deltid, devops, fast stilling, fluidmekanikk, forskning, graduate, internship, intervju, konsulent, konsulent, ledelse, machine learning, måleteknikk, maritim, masteroppgave, mathematics, microsoft azure services, nanoteknologi, oslo, økonomi, partikkelakseleratorfysikk, phd, produktanalyse, programmering, programvareutvikling, python, renewable power, sommerjobb, statistics, stipend, uio, utvikling, webutvikling

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Studentforskning i fysikk og matematikk
